Educating the child to its highest level has been the passion for Alhaj Mohammedbhai Visram ever since he joined the Zainabia Child Sponsorship Scheme (ZCSS) team at the World Federation of KSIMC (WF). The evolution of ZCSS to its current state at the World Federation is in part due to him and his colleague’s dedication and belief that “ Educating a child is to Change the Society for the Better “.

Mohammedbhai was born in Kampala and received his schooling there. He came to United Kingdom in October 1972 when General Idi Amin expelled Asians from Uganda and qualified as a Pharmacist after obtaining his degree from University of Sussex, Brighton. His community services began in Kampala in 1970’s as a Husseini Volunteer, secretary of Shia Ithna-Asheri Jamaat of Essex from 1978 to 1981. In 1987, he joined as a volunteer at the World Federation to assist in ZCSS work, finally taking up the position of chairman until 2003. In 2004, he joined Beta Charitable Trust based in the UK as an advisor for India sector and holds this post till today. From 2008 to 2011, he was a committee member of Hujjat and carried out important work of dispute resolution from which he retired in 2016. To many of our listener, his journey is an inspirational one and hopefully can inspire youth of the community to serve with dedication and passion.