(1) Secured the outstanding Planning Permission for Stanmore Husaini Islamic Centre of KSIMC of London in 1993

(2) Secured the registration of the Stanmore Husaini Islamic Centre as a Centre for Religious worship in the official Register of the British Government

(3) Secured the registration of the Husaini Islamic Centre as an official Centre for the solemnization and registration of marriages according to the Civic Law and Government Statutory Regulations

(4) Established a well organized Burial Fund Scheme to facilitate burials at the lowest cost with no hardship on the bereaved or the poor in the community. This entailed the assignment of burial grounds nearer to the Centre, the Watford Cemetery, the purchase of a customized hearse and a well-organized system to run the scheme

(5) Established the true extent of the debts due to the purchase of the Husaini Islamic Centre and arranging for the payments of the debts, securing the Title Deeds from the Bank, after getting the charge removed, and depositing the same with the Jamaat’s Solicitors

(6) Established the Stanmore Senior Citizen’s Association at the centre in 1989 which has flourished and is a very active institution now, arranged for the purchase of a new minibus and inviting Lady Diana, HRH Princess of Wales, the M.P, the Mayor and other dignitaries to meet the members of our Senior Citizens Association at Stanmore and meet the children of the nursery school

(7) Organised the first Husain Day at this centre and invited the Mayors from Harrow and Brent and Ambassadors and High Commissioners and dignitaries from various religious denominations. The Uganda High Commissioner, initiated the drive to welcome ex-Ugandans to go back to retrieve their properties, in Uganda, at this event in 1993

(8) Established a full fledged Medical Room, fully equipped with the most modern equipment, instruments and diagnostic machines and Defibrillator, ECG Machine, Nebulisers and emergency treatment facilities at our Centre

(9) Established a Reference Library and Reading Room
(10) Established the first Beaver Scout Group and, after consultation with the Authorities, securing the registration of the Husaini Islamic Centre as a branch

(11) Secured the reduction of the Council Rates bill for the Centre by application on appropriate grounds

(12) Established the piped water supply from the water well in the grounds of the centre, thus cutting down the cost of water supply for the centre

(13) Established the Video and Audio Cassettes Sales Department availing the facility for the Momineen to get copies of majaalis, duas, Koran and other useful talks and simultaneously generating an income for the Jamaat

(14) Purchased a School Bus for the Nursery School Children
(15) Established a beautiful landscaping environment in the centre

(16) Established a system to purchase the food materials, cutlery, crockery and other consumables in bulk purchase format – thus reducing costs

(17) Established a system of costs for each item of supply to the members including meals for Niyaz, Certificates, Announcements, Hall hire etc.

(18) Established newly formatted Application Forms for Registration of Births, Engagements, Weddings and Deaths

(19) Established a system of Invoices, Receipts, and Accounts system

(20) Established a machinery to obtain Gift Aid Forms and Covenant Forms and also a systematic collection of dues from the Inland Revenue Tax office as refunds

(21) Organised a regular Medical Screening Clinic during every Moharram both for Ladies and Gents and also Dental checks, Eye checks and Cervical Smears and Breast Screening for the Ladies

(22) A detailed list of the defects and damage to the main buildings of the centre was established by employing a Surveyor. Complete Repairs, renovation work and Painting was then carried out at the most reasonable quotation

(23) New Carpets were laid
(24) Air conditioning system was set up

(25) Cordial and friendly relations were established with the World Federation and the Council of European Jamaats

(26) Cordial and friendly relations were established with the voluntary organizations in the Borough of Harrow, the Civic leaders, the Asian Community groups and leaders including Hindu, Ismaili and Punjabi and also Iranian Embassy and Christians

(27) The Membership List was finally established and updated and the position regarding outstanding subscriptions, fully paid members and Life Members was finalised. Membership subscriptions were raised and adjusted for the Senior Citizens and Students appropriately

(28) A thorough overhaul of the Car Parking system was undertaken and charges were levied for the first time for Parking at the Centre, thus generating a handsome income for the Jamaat

(29) With a new system the deficit in the Nyaaz Fund was converted to a surplus of funds

(30) Extensive Renovation, structural repairs, partitioning, replacement of windows and doors with double glazing and central heating system renewal was done

(31) The Aalim Flat, in the Annexe, was renovated and refurbished

(32) Facilities for Computer classes, Sewing classes, Madressa photocopying room and meeting room were established and renovated, in the Annexe

(33) A system of Shurra (Consultative Council) meetings was started enabling the members to offer to the Executive Committee members suggestions, recommendations, criticisms and discussions at special gatherings

(34) Items like Computers, Fax Machine, Industrial Carpet Cleaner, Vegetable preparation machine and carpet shampooing machine were purchased

(35) Literary Section and Sports Section of the Ithnaasheri Union were given greater support and encouragement for their activities

(36) A Newsletter was started on a regular basis giving out details of the activities at the Centre and the details of the work of the Executive committee

(37) A system was established in the matter of moon sighting
(38) A system of discussing every new application for membership of KSIMC of London, at the Executive Meetings, was established

(39) 16 Ladies of our community went for training in FIRST AID at the Red Cross Centre

(40) A job Club was formed for the benefit of the unemployed in our community

(41) A memorial lecture “Life and works of Haji Gulamali Haji Ismail (HAJI NAJI) was held and this was expected to be an annual event depicting different personalities

(42) An Islamic Exhibition was organized – “Seek Knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave”

(43) Ladies Cookery Classes were started

(44) Teaching Aids for Religious Classes for Children were made available

(45) Afternoon Classes for children, during Ramadhan, were started

(46) A “Zarri” Enclosure was installed in the Ladies Baitu Sallah

(47) Strict regulations for punctual Burial Timings were implemented​

(48) Job Descriptions were drawn up for the staff of the KSIMC of London

(49) Contracts with various service firms were drawn up – Fire Extinguishers, Lifts, Security Alarms system and Landscaping

(50) The monthly meetings of the Executive Committee started with recitation of Surae Fateha and were always stopped at Namaaz times

(51) Nyaaz was cooked at the Centre to cut down the costs and possible wastage

(52) A standing order Donations mandate system was established realizing £5,000

(53) A contract was signed with Rugby Club for 3 years fixing the rental charges for Parking

(54) Forms for monitoring the work of the sub committees and the budgets for their activities were designed

(55) Arrangements were made with the British High Commission of Pakistan for the Visas of Molvi and Mulyanis

(56) A proper system of drawing up Moharram and Ramadhan Programme Timetable was established. The need to involve the Ladies Committee, the Ithnaasheri Union, the teachers and members of the community is necessary for a successful outcome

(57) The Jamaat Directory was published after 14 years

(58) Strict controls were put in motion to save on electricity, water and gas ​

(59) A system whereby each outgoing committee should ensure that there is a proper hand over – the President gives a written report to the new President, the Secretary to the new Secretary, the Treasurer to the new Treasurer. This ensures that all the information is passed on to prevent duplication and wastage and more efficiency is achieved. During the hand over the outgoing committee also passes on recommendations to the incoming committee

(60) The whole Centre had repair works undertaken, painted all round outside and inside – and new carpets laid

(61) For any major jobs at least 3 tenders have to be obtained and this system was followed to ensure value for money

(62) A financial Independence Scheme was established whereby members voluntarily paid into the scheme to facilitate future purchase of a property

(63) In 1998, Dr. Amir Lakha was awarded the highly valued Husaini Medal by the KSIMC of London Stanmore for meritorious services to the community

(64) In 2000, as President of KSIMC of London, Dr. Amir Lakha was instrumental in purchasing a property, Ruislip Manor Sports and Leisure Centre at an auction for £415,000, the value of which has shot up many folds into millions and there is a regular annual income of £45,000 to KSIMC of London. The total cost of £415,000 has been fully paid up including the initial Bank borrowing. It is a 12-acre Freehold site, which has been leased to a Club, but our children and grandchildren will enjoy the benefits, inshallah.