Salaam alaykum,

Notice is hereby given as per Clause 6.1 of the Constitution, that the 2022 Annual General Meeting of The KSIMC of London will be held on Sunday 5th June 2022 at 10:30 to conclude by 19:30.

To transact the following:


1.         Recitation from the Holy Quran and translation thereof

2.         Consider and approve the minutes of the previous AGM

3.         Consider and approve the minutes of the SGM on 14th January 2022

4.         Treasurers presentation and adoption of the audited accounts of the Jamaat for the previous financial year

5.         Receive the report of the Executive Committee on the Jamaat’s activities since the previous AGM

6.         Approve the budget for the forthcoming financial year

7.         Note the election of a new Executive Committee

8.         Appoint an auditor for the Jamaat

9.         Set the amounts of subscriptions

10.       Motions on which due notice is given in accordance with clause 7.3

11.       Any Other Business

An AGM 2022 pack will shortly be released to all members in preparation for the meeting.

Any member that wishes to provide notice for a motion to be discussed at the AGM must do so by writing to the Honorary Secretary by the 21st of May 2022. Please email

With Salaams and Duas

Moshin Kassam

Hon. Secretary

The KSIMC of London