The Hujjat Executive committee is honoured to announce arrangements for the upcoming Ashra e Muharram 1444 programmes. We will InshaAllah start programmes at Hujjat from Friday, 29th July 2022, initially at 7:45 pm for both Ladies and Gents. Further details for each nightly programme can be found on the Hujjat website.

Shaykh Safder Jaffer will InshaAllah be our lecturer in Urdu in both the Ladies and Gents Main Halls and Shaykh Salim Yusufali will be our English lecturer in the Ladies and Gents ELC marquees.

All evening programs will end with Salaatul maghribayn, InshaAllah.

Please note that based on Ayatullah Sistani’s recommendation, to preserve unity and brotherhood, we will commemorate Ashura Day with the majority in Europe. This may mean a day earlier than published in our calendar. We will confirm once information on crescent sightings have been verified.