Dear Members

Salaamun Alaykum

We pray you are all keeping in good health.

Pursuant to clause 8.1 of The KSIMC of London’s constitution, the Executive Committee (EC) hereby gives notice today, 8th April 2023, for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held on Friday 5th May 2023 at 7.30pm to discuss the following items:

1. Recitation of the Holy Quran and translation thereof
2. Approval for the following resolution to be adopted: “It is hereby resolved that the Trustees of The KSIMC of London are authorised by the General Body to enter a long-term lease with The World Federation of KSIMC on Musgrave House, Widewater Place. The prevailing Trustees will enter this long-term lease once the bank loan has been repaid in full. The consideration for the long-term lease on Musgrave House, Widewater Place, will be agreed at market value. The World Federation will pay this agreed long-term lease consideration less any rental amounts paid by them (on Musgrave house only) from the acquisition date of Widewater Place to the granting of the long-term lease.
3. Update on refurbishment works at Hujjat Stanmore

These matters need to be discussed in advance of the next AGM for the following reasons:

1. The Executive committee has called the EGM for members to have a better understanding of the funds received from The World Federation of KSIMC towards Hujjat Harefield and the resultant implications.

2. As recommended at the previous EGM, dated 15th January 2023, the Executive committee is providing a regular update on the progress.

Please ensure your 2023 subscriptions are paid up should you wish to participate and vote at this EGM. Light refreshments will be served. There will be a break for Salaatul Maghribayn at 8.42pm.

With Salaams and Duas

Akil Kanani
Hon Secretary
The KSIMC of London