Community Conversation – in Conversation with Alhaj Nazir Jessa

In this reflective conversation, Alhaj Nazirbhai Jessa, a well known prominent figure, recalls his struggles and achievements that shaped his outlook in life. Born in Dar es Salaam in 1941, qualified as an Optician &Audiologist in the UK and founded a well known ‘Watford Electronics’ in 1972 which became the early forerunner of electronic business about to pervade the United Kingdom.

In his life time of business and social work, he has achieved huge recognition outside of the community such as
– The Founding chair of Hertfordshire Ethnic Minority Business Network;
– Founding directors of Bedfordshire Business Link;
– His personal initiative saw the launch of Bedfordshire ‘UK Online for Business;

But his highest accolade was when he was invited by the Queen to Buckingham Palace to celebrate the contribution of Watford Electronics’ pioneering work in the field of e-Business in 2003 and that made so much difference to the lives of so many of UK citizens. Among the Honours he has received includes ‘Racial Harmony Empowerment Award’, ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’, ‘Honorary MBA – University of Bedfordshire’, ‘High Sheriff of Bedfordshire’ and ‘Deputy Lieutenant of Bedfordshire’

In the KSI Community life, he was one of the founder member Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Community of London founded in 1971. He was also a member of the steering committee to draft the constitution of the WF in the 1970’s. The community benefitted immensely through his advice and entrepreneurial experiences. He served the community for many years in many different ways and help shape its evolution and many other community in the UK and elsewhere “