Loss of a past leader – Marhum AlHaj Ahmedbhai Dungersi


Dear Members,

It was with great shock and sadness, we learnt of the passing away of one of the pillars of the Hujjat community, Marhum AlHaj Ahmedbhai Dungersi, on Tuesday 18th April 2023. Marhum not only served as President (1993-1995) but also as Secretary and EC member. He was one of the first pioneers to hold regular Majalis at his house which supported many students and newcomers to the UK. A stalwart and fervent supporter of Hujjat from the Hammersmith days. With others, he also ensured the Senior Qur’an Darsa was recited regularly. Just at the start of the month, he was present at our centre supervising the Darsa.

Our deepest condolences to the community, and his family at large. Ahmedbhai will be missed by one and all. We pray for his maghfirah and that the Almighty (SWT) raises his soul amongst His Chosen Ones. Ameen.

Let us bless his soul with the recitation of Surah al-Fateha

Please find an obituary for Marhum AlHaj Ahmedbhai Dungersi written on behalf of his family here

Hujjat Senior Citizens programme on Wednesday 26th April (from 10.30am) will be held in memory of Marhum AlHaj Ahmedbhai Dungersi with lecture by Maulana Syed Kalbe Abbas as well as tributes from guest speakers.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of The KSIMC of London