Statement from the Executive Committee (EC), 26 Oct 2023

Dear Members of our Community,

Salaamun Alaykum,

Felicitations on the birth anniversary of our 11th Holy Imam, Al-Askari (A).

We hope this message finds you in good health.

At our recent Special General Meeting (SGM) on Friday 20th October 2023, agenda item no. 2: “…the presentation and adoption of accounts…” was deferred. The Executive Committee (EC) maintains that the urgency of calling an SGM was constitutionally valid to ensure the accounts could be filed with the Charities Commission by the deadline of 31st October 2023.

The EC has sought advice and guidance from experts in the field of charity governance, as well as speaking with a representative from the Charities Commission. In line with clause 16 of the constitution, the EC, at its recent meeting of 24th October 2023, concluded that it is in the best interests of our charity and in compliance with charity and legal requirements, to submit the audited accounts to the Charity Commission by the deadline.

We understand the importance of the adoption of the accounts, and we wish to clarify that this will occur at a future General Meeting (an EGM has been agreed by the EC and notice will follow shortly).

In respect to the accounts, we would like to reassure you that there have been no material changes from the draft accounts that were circulated to the membership back in May 2023. The accounts have already been approved by our auditors and the EC, which gives us the confidence to proceed with the submission. We also invite members if they have questions, to write to or speak with the Honorary Treasurer, who will deal with these in line with the constitution.

This decision is in line with our commitment to transparency and responsible governance, ensuring that we fulfil our legal obligations while maintaining the highest standards of financial accountability.

We appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.

Thank you for your continued trust and support.

With Salaams and Duas,

Akil Kanani
Hon Secretary
for and on behalf of the EC of The KSIMC of London
26 Oct 2023